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Penn State Law Entrepreneurship Assistance Clinic Submission Form
Penn State Law Entrepreneur Assistance Clinic
1. Describe the nature of your business—as conducted now or planned
2. Types of legal services that you seek from the Clinic
3. Names of the owners/founders
4. Email address for each owner/founder
5. Whether a legal entity for the business has been formed, and if so, the name of the entity
6. Whether the business had any revenue in the current year or previous tax year
7. Geographic location of the owners/founders and the business
8. Any connection to Pennsylvania or to Penn State
9. Whether the owners/founders are students, and (a) if so, what schools, and (b) if at Penn State, what colleges and campuses within Penn State
10. Any current assistance from a PA Small Business Development Center (specify which)
11. Any participation in programs at a PSU LaunchBox (specify which) or at Smeal College of Business
12. How you became aware of the Clinic (e.g., referral by an SBDC, Smeal, economic development group, another client, or acquaintance)
13. List whether the owners/founders may qualify for governmental or corporate preferred programs available to diverse business enterprises (e.g., companies owned and controlled by women, persons of color, or LGBTQ+, rural, or disabled individuals).
14. Whether the owners/founders are US citizens or permanent residents (this relates to potential visa issues)